The BAR in-game has lower rate of fire than Thompson sub-machinegun but greater range and damage, it is easy to control but the magazine holds 20 rounds only, meaning ammo conservation is needed to avoid running dry in inconvenient moments. The BAR is also occasionally used by felons in the Street Crimes - more so in the later stages of the game. In A Polite Invitation, one of Jack Kelso's Marine unit members carries BAR during the assault on Leland Monroe's Mansion.The weapon cannot be stored in Cole's car and can only be used in specific missions. It can be used by Jack Kelso in A Different Kind of War as it is in many of the armories.When going to Robert's Diner a chase scene will start, eventually, the bad guys will drive into an alleyway, kill the person with the automatic weapon, then pick it up and kill the other. The weapon can be found throughout the case as evidence, though it can be used in this case as well. The BAR is featured heavily in the case Manifest Destiny, when Cole Phelps investigates the theft of army surplus supplies.The M1922 light machine gun, an improved version of original BAR, was adopted by U.S.

It had two different firing settings, both fully automatic but differing in rate (one 350~400 rounds per minute, the other 600~650 rounds per minute). 30-06 Springfield rifle cartridge, and used a 20 round magazine.
The primary variant of the BAR series was the M1918A2, which was chambered for the. 30, Automatic, Browning, M1918, commonly known as the Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR) is a family of US automatic rifles and light machine guns used by the United States and numerous other countries during the 20th century.